Dear Firearm Owner,
Late last night, the House Judiciary Committee passed H.R. 1808, Joe Biden’s so-called ‘Assault Weapons Ban,’ by a vote of 25-18!
If passed into law, this legislation will make it a FELONY for the American people to buy an AR-15 or any one of over 200 similar firearms, as well as mags that hold over 10 rounds!
This is the radical left’s ultimate goal: to leave the American people armed with mere hunting shotguns like the government of Australia did, so they are free to dominate ‘We the People.’
And this isn’t just East and Left coast Democrats who are pushing this bill. Wisconsin’s Gwen Moore is a leading co-sponsor of this bill, as she is marching in lockstep with Nancy Pelosi.
The bad news is that this bill passed committee and Pelosi has said she would like to get it voted through the House next week.
The good news is our sources on Capitol Hill tell us that Nancy Pelosi is having a hard time finding enough votes to pass the bill, as vulnerable Democrats are scared this vote will cost them their seat!
That’s why it’s vital that you immediately email your Congressman and demand that they ‘VOTE NO’ on H.R. 1808 or any other version of this legislation that disarms Wisconsinites!
With enough pressure from gun owners, we can defeat this legislation and hold the line for our Second Amendment freedoms!
These days, it doesn’t matter if you have a Republican or a Democrat as a Congressman. You need to take action either way.
RINO Republicans voted for Biden’s gun control bill last month. And a growing number of RINOs (like Congressman Chris Jacobs and Adam Kinzinger) are publicly supporting this ‘assault weapons’ ban!
Please take action immediately!
This is the fight of our time. The midterm elections are going to be here before we know it, and Biden’s handlers are determined to pass this bill while they control Congress!
If Biden and the Radical Left are successful, our country will never be the same and our children are going to grow up in a nation where they don’t know what real freedom means.
After you’ve emailed your Congressman, please make an immediate donation to the Wisconsin Firearms Coalition so that we can continue to pour the pressure out on our Congressional delegation!
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