Korwin: Is Trump True on Media Truth?
The lamestream media told you:
Donald Trump has accused the media of being dishonest, among the most dishonest people in the world. He is literally waging a war against the media on these grounds. We resent and refute these assertions. They are untrue. We do not run fake news. We strive for accuracy and excellence. We have ethical standards we publish and follow.
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
Most news outlets have ethical guidelines published. Here’s one. From the Associated Press Ethical Standards: “The newspaper should guard against inaccuracies, carelessness, bias or distortion through emphasis, omission or technological manipulation.” (emphasis mine)
Guns are fun.
One hundred million gun owners know this is true. When have you ever seen any story like this in a paper or network or cable newscast? We buy about nine billion rounds of ammo every year because guns are fun, the number two participant sport in the nation. The media’s claim that they are honest and fair is nonsense. They are distorted, biased, prejudiced against guns, and it shows in everything they do. They fake the news.
Guns save lives.
Guns stop crime.
Guns protect you.
People save their lives constantly because they are armed.
Guns are why America is still free.
Shooting ranges are open and busy all year, all around you, (just like, say, malls and restaurants which you do see covered).
While the tiniest sliver of this leaks into the “news” on rare occasions, half the nation experiences it live, on a daily basis. We have gun shows attracting masses of people every weekend in every state. With tons of guns and kids in strollers and hot dogs and a good time. Everyone survives, the image of America the “news” portrays has no sense of this gun reality whatsoever. The propaganda gun-violence narrative proceeds non-stop to cover it up. It’s a coverup. It is fake news indeed.
The “news” is driven by an agenda that promotes (not reports) the exact opposite of reality. Reporters hate guns and it shows. They do not go to the range, they do not follow new developments in product design. When they sneak into gun shows they present them as lawless arms bazaars instead of the family-friendly events taking place constantly across this fine land. Even images of officials responding in emergencies zoom in and emphasize the arms they carry (never fired because they arrive too late), a point never made.
“inaccuracies, carelessness, bias or distortion through emphasis, omission or technological manipulation.” Code of Ethics.
I rest my case. The president is exactly accurate, on this subject. Hey Wolf, Anderson, Rachel, Chris, Brooke, Don, Lawrence, the lot of you, figure it out. I can ‘splain it to you.
If you’d like similar accuracy on 163 other subjects, read my prior Uninvited Ombudsman reports, Page Nine:
Media outlets used to have ombudsmen: public advocates with a significant degree of independence, representing the interests of the public, addressing maladministration or a violation of rights; discontinued by news media by the turn of the 21st century.
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