Illinois: Firearm & Component “Sin” Tax Hearing March 11

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Illinois: Firearm & Component “Sin” Tax Hearing March 11

Tomorrow, Tuesday, March 11, the House Sales Tax Subcommittee is scheduled to hear a bill to add an additional “sin” tax on firearms and firearm component parts. A “sin” tax is levied on specific goods believed to be harmful to society and gun-control advocates are not shy about blaming sportsmen and gun owners for the state’s violent crime issues.

If passed by the subcommittee, it could be heard by the full House Revenue & Finance committee the same day. If not, it is already scheduled for Thursday, March 13.

House Bill 1177 imposes an additional 3.75% surcharge tax on purchase of each firearm and each firearm component part.

You are probably wondering what your 3.75% “sin” tax will pay for. Other states that have passed or introduced a “sin” tax bill purportedly target the monies for violent crime reduction. But not in Illinois. This bill does not even try to make sportsmen and gun owners think it is going to a good cause. HB 1177 sends the funds to the State & Local Sales Tax Reform Fund, the County & Mass Transit District Fund, and the Local Government Tax Fund.

Please use the Take Action button to email the committee and urge them to vote “No” on HB 1177. Sportsmen and gun owners already pay higher taxes to pay for outdoor conservation and should not be singled out to cover costs that effect the entire state.

Don’t forget to share this email with your family, friends, and fellow sportsmen. Ask them to also Take Action and email the committee urging them to vote “No” on HB 1177.  Also, ask them to join you and the Sportsmen’s Alliance in standing up to fight, protect, and defend against the rising tide of animal extremism and gun control activists. The extremists work tirelessly to crater our rights, values and heritage and we must work harder to ensure they are secure today, tomorrow, and for the future.

The Sportsmen’s Alliance guarantees hunting, fishing and trapping for the American sportsman now and forever. We’re there when sportsmen need us most. We are the only organization specifically created to protect the individual hunter, angler and trapper – no matter the threat. We will never compromise when it comes to defending our way of life in the courts, in the legislatures, in the public square and at the ballot box. We make this promise to the American sportsman: we will never give up and never give in while proudly securing our future against those seeking to destroy our values, beliefs, and traditions. Stay connected to Sportsmen’s AllianceOnlineFacebookTwitter and Instagram.