Hunter Nation is Going on Offense
Hunter Nation continues to go on offense to protect American hunters and the sports we love, preserve our outdoor lifestyle and values, conserve our God-given natural resources, and remove barriers for the rising generation of hunters and anglers to enjoy the hunting tradition for years to come.
Earlier today, I stood with Ted Nugent and Wisconsin’s pro-hunter legislators on the assembly floor in Madison to proudly introduce the Wisconsin Sporting Freedom Act.
The aptly-named Wisconsin Sporting Freedom Act is a series of commonsense proposals that:
- increases opportunities for hunting and fishing in Wisconsin
- reduces the regulatory burden on hunters and anglers
- provides oversight and transparency over the use of funds that hunters and anglers pay for licenses—increasing government accountability
- supports the strong economic impact hunters, anglers, and the industry have on the state and their communities
We know implementing these policies is an undertaking. I know first-hand the opposition we will face from radical groups who work to undermine our sport and cut down our values at every turn. We also know that Hunter Nation—you, our 450,000 strong member army, myself, and my team are up to the challenge.
Throughout this legislative process, Hunter Nation will note who stands with the hardworking, principled hunters of Wisconsin and who opposes our sport, outdoor lifestyle, and our values.
We will hold those public leaders accountable who do not stand with American hunters in Wisconsin.
By introducing and, Lord willing, passing the Wisconsin Sporting Freedom Act, we can continue to build on these types of victories—using this as a model to replicate success in other states across the country.
Hunter Nation is the only organization leading the charge to drive this first-of-its-kind legislative package in Wisconsin and driving these pro-hunter policies across the country.
As a member of Hunter Nation, you are part of the united voice American hunters playing offense to protect our outdoor lifestyle, the sport we love, and the values of God Family, Country, and our nation’s Constitution—thank you!
This is just the beginning.
Luke Hilgemann
CEO, Hunter Nation
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