Hearing Bear Cubs This Winter???



Winter is in full swing, and so is bear research. If you hear frequent squeaking, humming or sucking sounds while outdoors, it could be denning bear cubs!   

The DNR’s bear research team is asking the public to report potentially active black bear den locations to assist with data collection efforts for the ongoing Black Bear Litter and Diet Survey. The survey aims to improve the accuracy of state population models and inform bear management decisions across the state.  

If you suspect the location of an active den and would like to report it to the DNR, please maintain a safe distance of at least 30 yards and then follow these steps: 

  1. Take note of your surroundings. Are there any visible tracks, scratch marks on trees, scat or damaged vegetation nearby? Have there been recent bear sightings in the area? Do you hear any noises coming from the den? 
  2. Drop a pin in your phone to record the GPS coordinates of your location. If this is not possible, try to remember a detailed description of where you were on the property in question.  
  3. If you have a camera or phone with a camera function, take a photo where the den is visible.  
  4. Learn more about the study and submit your den location report to us online.

Please note that due to staffing capacity, the bear research team may not be able to contact you about your report; reports with information suggesting the den is active will be prioritized to meet research study requirements.