All deer, bear, turkey, sharp-tailed grouse, bobcat, fisher and otter harvests must be reported electronically through GameReg.
Registration is still mandatory and is accomplished using one of the methods below.
- Online: (fastest and easiest method)
- Phone: 1-844-426-3734
- In person: Search for an in-person deer/bear registration station that provides a phone or computer for public use.
Reminder: You will need your unique tag number or harvest authorization number to begin the registration process.
Hunters and certain trappers (bobcat, fisher and river otter only) will have several options for registering harvests through the GameReg electronic registration system. Go online to (fastest and easiest option), call 1-844-GAME-REG (1-844-426-3734) or, if registering a deer or bear, find an in-person registration station that provides one of these methods.
Upon submitting all required harvest information through GameReg, the hunter will receive a 10-character confirmation number for his/her records. This confirmation number no longer needs to be written on the tag or harvest authorization, but should be retained and may be required if the game is taken to a taxidermist or meat processor. All hunters will obtain a confirmation number at the completion of registration, even if registering at an in-person station.
Exception: while bobcat, fisher and otter are reported through GameReg, they still require in-person registration within seven days of the end of the month of harvest.
For key species-specific registration requirements, review the harvest registration fact sheet [PDF].
A new section has been added to your Go Wild personal homepage. The My GameReg section provides you with information on your current tags where you can view and reprint your unused tags or click the quick link to report your harvest. Also available is your GameReg harvest history, where you can view your previous GameReg harvest reports with the confirmation number and the details of your harvest.
- Current tags/harvest authorizations
- Harvest history
- Report harvest
- As in the past, Report Harvest redirects to the online GameReg portal and will require an unfilled tag/harvest authorization number and date of birth to begin the registration process.
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