8/5/19 Meeting minutes
Attendees: Al Klingeisen, Emily, Tyler and Eva Endter, Margaret, Michelle, Aaron, and Matthew Pauwels, Jim Hill, Bill Bratz.
Financial report not given. Brat fry had a profit of $682.78 that was put into checking account temporarily….will get divided up per last meeting discussion of 30% General fund, 30% Savings, 40% Thrivent fund. Thank you to the Huske’s for obtaining a Thrivent debit card for $250 to help offset costs. We also received $35.78 in donations.
Upcoming events:
- Aug 13–4 pm at Dodge Preserve….crayfish removal (rain dates of Aug 19 or 20th)
- Oct 7—6:30 pm meeting at Taus Town Hall
- Dec 8 Luncheon at Gill’s— will be making refillable pine cones and cookie decorating again after lunch (12:30 luncheon)
Maritime museum summer watershed camp was cancelled due to lack of participation. Please sign up next year ASAP….this is an amazing opportunity for your kids/family to do some great learning activities outside. I will keep everyone updated on when dates are released for next year.
Thanks! Emily Endter, Secretary (920)323-3486
and Al Klingeisen, President (920)901-5166
FOBR address: P.O. Box 301 Whitelaw, WI 54247 also find us on Facebook
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