We held our annual membership luncheon and meeting at Branch Station 12/15/24. Thank you to all who joined us, paid dues, and enjoyed the delicious food.
2025 events (will also be listed on FB and you can rsvp there too):
*Tree orders close 2/27 and there is already a few things sold out. I would recommend looking at the website and getting your order to Al asap! FOBR will allow 10 free trees/order for current paid members. If you want to purchase more, let Al know and pay him. I’d say we should get orders in to Al no later than Jan 17 for best availability.
Also, Al will not be chasing around delivering trees. He is going to Sheboygan to pick them up date TBD, everyone can grab trees from his place or make arrangements otherwise with him. Pick-up dates in Sheboygan are May 1,2,3 2025. Refer to www.sheboygancountytrees.com for selection.
*Bluebird house painting project at Woodland Dunes Sunday, 3/2 from 1-3 pm. Bob Schuh will supply 60 birdhouses. Please reach out to Al to help volunteer to help out, clean up, etc! It’s a fun event but definitely needs a few helping hands! If you come out with your family and paint a few birdhouses, hike the trails too if weather nice! They have great trails at Woodland Dunes.
*Bridge Crossing clean-ups (19 total)—April 12. This is a big event and lots of help is needed! Older, responsible kids are amazing helpers; contact us and we can squeeze people into a few vehicles. We will have April 26 as rain date. We will meet at the new Taus Town Hall at 9 am (Taus Rd and J). Al will have garbage bags but bring appropriate clothing, work gloves as well.
*Brat fry …We NEED lots of help!! Older kids are MORE THAN WELCOME to volunteer at all of our events!! Even a 2 hour shift is always welcome! Call Al to sign-up, questions, etc (920)901-5166. Friday, June 27 at Rob’s. I’ll get a sign up sheet out via email, FB as it gets closer too but we need lots of help. Al and I were going to skip the fry because there isn’t a lot of people who want to work the brat frys. We understand busy schedules but trying to fit in some time working/volunteering at events keeps organizations like ours running smoothly. Our profit last fry was $723.62. 2023 was $1,108 and 2022 was $1,007.37. Contact Al with what you can help out with at (920)901-5166. Watch for my sign-up as well so you know what timeslots we need to fill.
*Crayfish collections—TBD—Emily will try to have at least 2 and we will donate some to Wildlife of WI (they used some of our 2nd harvest to feed pelicans they were rehabilitating!)
*Watch for nature/conservation camps to open!! I found a great one at Barkhausen Waterfowl Preserve in Suamico that my son has attended last 2 years. Camp dates open Jan 22 I believe at www.browncountyparks.org . Let us know and we will reimburse for these! Woodland Dunes also has AMAZING daycamps but they FILL FAST.
*December membership luncheon and also other meetings through the year dates TBD.
Please send in memberships if you haven’t already. We ask $20/family but you are welcome to pay/donate whatever you would like above that as is reflected on the membership form. We are a 501c3 so fees are tax-deductible. Please find attached membership form in this email.
Friends of the Branch River
P.O. Box 301
Whitelaw, WI 54247
Emily Endter
FOBR Secretary
Al Klingeisen
FOBR President
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