Feinstein: We Have to Outlaw Pistol Braces Because They Increase Accuracy
Senator Diane Feinstein’s proposed new “assault weapons” ban goes much farther than any of her previous efforts at civilian disarmament. She and her co-sponsors, Connecticut Senators Richard “Saigon” Blumenthal and Chris Murphy, have authored a bill that outlaws more than 200 specific firearms, and bans the manufacture, sale, transfer or import of standard capacity magazines and bump fire stocks.
But they don’t stop there. First, DiFi and her two hoplophobic stooges would also outlaw…
…assault pistols that weigh 50 or more ounces when unloaded, a policy included in the original 1994 ban.
“Assault pistols,” otherwise known as AR pistols. Then, she’d also drop the ban hammer on pistol braces. You know, those items designed to allow wounded veterans and the disabled to fire an AR-style firearm.
Why does the doyenne of disarmament object to such an accessory? Because they…
…transform assault pistols into assault rifles by allowing the shooter to shoulder the weapon and fire more accurately.
That’s right, the problem with pistol braces is they make guns too accurate. Because inaccurate guns are so much more preferable.
We talked to SB Tactical’s Alex Bosco (above right), inventor of the pistol brace. He had this to say about Feinstein’s proposed ban:
Banning a product designed to aid wounded veterans and the disabled is like advocating the use of our tax dollars to support illegal immigrants over our veterans.
And if her concern is to ban a product that makes a firearm more accurate, why did she push a ban on bump stocks?
Not that logic or facts really matter much to a dedicated gun-grabber like the senior Senator from California. Her bill would also ban such innocuous accessories as pistol grips, forward grips, barrel shrouds and collapsible stocks, so why not nix pistol braces, too?
The point of gun control, after all, is never the guns so much as it is control.
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