Extra Vigilance Needed During Times of Emergency
People have been asking if state democrats are going to use the Coronavirus pandemic as an excuse to pass gun controls in Wisconsin.
However, what I’m really worried about is martial law.
You see, Governor Tony Evers has declared a state of emergency for Wisconsin and is calling in the National Guard ‘for our safety’ (wink, wink).
He has ominously stated that, “’Wisconsin nice’ is going to have to have a different look to it in the future.”
In addition to gun sales soaring and grocery store shelves being emptied by the panicking masses, we all know that states of emergencies are a convenient excuse used by politicians to implement gun controls.
Just like the way they always exploit school shootings by rushing in with their “solutions,” I fully expect us to start hearing about curfews and forced “stop-and-frisks.”
When you start seeing police checkpoints set up and are questioned by the military about any firearms you may have on you or in your vehicle, you will know it has begun.
I hope I’m wrong.
However, other countries like Italy are already seeing this kind of draconian lockdown.
And while they don’t have a Second Amendment like we do, that alone has not stopped Wisconsin politicians from acting like tyrants in the past.
Of course, there are already a slew of gun control proposals on the table in Madison, including handgun waiting periods, a state-level “domestic violence” gun ban and red-flag gun confiscations.
The most important thing is that WGO continue to monitor the state legislature like a hawk.
And that we have the resources on hand to oppose any Soviet-style takeovers that they dream up in the name of ‘public safety’ during this pandemic.
That’s why I’m asking you to do one simple thing today:
Sign the online Republican Pro-Gun Directive, ordering state politicians to stand their ground against ANY gun prohibitions arising out of the COVID-19 emergency.
Click Here to Sign the Directive
It’s critical that we be proactive during times like these.
Thank you,
Corey Graff
Executive Director
P.S. – Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers has declared a state of emergency in Wisconsin and is calling in the troops. Given his recent comments applauding Beto O’ Rourke’s calls for confiscations of AR-15s and other lawful firearms, you should be very concerned.
WGO is monitoring this deteriorating situation very closely.
We ask that you please sign the online Pro-Gun Directive. It’s vital we call on state lawmakers to hold the line against any “emergency” gun controls proposed by democrats during this pandemic.
✔ Signed the WI Pro-Gun Directive
Wisconsin Gun Owners, Inc. is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization. Donations made to Wisconsin Gun Owners, Inc. are not deductible for income tax purposes.
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