Economic Impact Comment Period Open For Great Lakes Fishing Guide Reporting Rule




Economic Impact Comment Period Open For Great Lakes Fishing Guide Reporting Rule

The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is now accepting public comments on the potential economic impacts of a proposed rule. Proposed permanent rule FH-08-20 regulates fishing guide reporting requirements on the Great Lakes and their tributaries.

These updates aim to enhance datasets for game fish such as walleye, lake trout, perch, lake whitefish, and others, as fishing guide reports are an important but underrepresented source of data on game fish harvest and fishing effort. This rule outlines specific information to be included in the reports, reporting methods and deadlines for reporting.

This comment period will focus on economic impacts rather than other impacts of the rule. To review the economic impact analysis and draft rule, visit the DNR’s proposed permanent rules web page.

Email your comments on any economic impacts anticipated from this rule to Meredith Penthorn, DNR Policy Specialist, at [email protected] by March 24, 2021.