Does the Bible Support the Right to Bear Arms?
The gun debate is in a new era. Most of the mainstream candidates on the left have openly admitted that they support gun confiscations. That inevitably leads us down a road of intense argument and disagreement.
As we roll up our sleeves in preparation for the next round of this fight, it’s important to arm our convictions. Many supporters of the 2nd Amendment are God-fearing Christians. If you’re among them, you might want to know what the Bible has to say on the topic. Rest assured, we’re going to cover it at length, right now.
Ted Cruz
It was actually a Twitter spat between has been Hollywood actress Alyssa Milano and Texas Senator Ted Cruz that renewed this particular part of the debate. In her typical leftist platitudes, Milano tweeted a question. Unintentionally, she brought up a point that should be very important to right-leaning Christians. Her question was to the effect of, “Where in the Bible does it guarantee the right to own a gun?”
It’s pretty normal for a leftist to ignorantly attack Christian beliefs and values in order to “win” an argument, but this question actually deserves answering. The Bible obviously doesn’t mention firearms at any point, so how could it guarantee the God-given right to bear arms?
Ted Cruz had a pretty good answer, and after looking at it, we’ll expand on what he said. The gist of his argument is that the Bible tells believers that it is important to prepare for self-defense. The rights to both life and liberty are discussed in the Bible, and both are God-given.
It is only then logical that the right to defend right and liberty are also God-given. So, the question isn’t whether or not the Bible defends your right to own a gun. Instead, we should ask whether or not the Bible supports self-defense.
So, What Does the Bible Say?
If you ask a leftist, the Bible says to turn the other cheek and never engage in any violence whatsoever. That’s because leftists love to cherry pick. The Old Testament is full of examples of God ordering his followers to fight and kill. Even in the New Testament, Jesus himself told the disciples to carry swords. In fact, Jesus engaged in what some would call violence when he flipped merchant tables in the temple.
All of this aside, there are specific passages in the Bible that discuss both common defense and self-defense. As Ted Cruz pointed out in his response, Exodus 22:2 clearly grants the right to self-defense. In fact, according to the ancient law, a man has the right to kill in defense against a thief in the night. That seems pretty clear, but we can go further.
In John 18:10, Peter defends Jesus by cutting off a servant’s ear. Jesus stops Peter because he must go to his fate, but he doesn’t rebuke Peter for the act of defense.
Additionally, there are multiple counts of Jesus stressing the importance of a strong man defending his home. If we extend the idea to the modern era, a strong man in defense of his home would need a firearm. It’s pretty clear.
While all of this should be enough, there’s a specific passage that uniquely supports the idea of Americans owning guns. In Romans 13, the Bible tells us why Christians should obey the government (except when the government specifically contradicts God’s laws).
According to Romans 13, God has granted authority to governments, and only those governments should take up arms in common defense and to stand against acts of evil. Basically, the government is in charge of military and police. This is where things get interesting.
The Constitution
The Constitution was written by men well-versed in the teachings of the Bible, and they believed in those words. The 2nd Amendment was written in a specific way that essentially deputizes every single American citizen as a member of the militia. This is confirmed by the Federalist Papers several times over.
While there were a number of reasons for framing the Constitution in this way, one of them was to invoke Romans 13. God grants the government authority in assigning how to met out violence for the sake of law, order and common defense. The United States Constitution grants part of that authority to the people. Deliberately, and in accordance with the Bible, the 2nd Amendment is how the Bible gives us all the right to own a gun.
This is why leftists should shy away from Biblical arguments. In ignorance, Alyssa Milano brought up an important point. We aren’t just given the right to bear arms by the 2nd Amendment. Believers in the Bible are charged with keeping a strong home and obeying the very law of the land that charges us with maintaining a common defense. The Bible, in tandem with the Constitution, compels us to own firearms.
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