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Do You Have A Mosquito Survival Plan? Ad


Thermacell Repellents
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Do You Have A Mosquito Survival Plan?
Thermacell Survival Plan


As mosquito activity increases during the summer months, it’s crucial to stay protected. Late June and early July in the United States often coincide with peak mosquito season, making it a critical time to be prepared with a mosquito survival plan. During this time, mosquitoes are most active, particularly during dawn and dusk. To protect yourself from itchy bites and potential health risks, it’s important to wear long sleeves and light colored pants. Additionally, eliminating standing water sources around your home can reduce mosquito breeding grounds. Enjoying outdoor activities with these precautions in mind can help you have a more pleasant and bite-free experience during the peak mosquito season.

Our best in class E55 is on sale until July 31 for $29.99 and includes free shipping.

Ensure Your Garden Thrives This Summer!
Thermacell Gardening

Late June/Early July is an ideal time for gardening enthusiasts to embrace the outdoors and nurture their green spaces. As summer heats up, it’s essential to check your irrigation system for proper watering. Inspect drips, timers, and irrigation to avoid dry spots. For areas with extreme heat, use shade cloths to protect your plants and keep your garden flourishing all season long.

With the summer in full swing, this is the perfect opportunity to tend to a flourishing garden.

Planting later crops in June also applies to flowers! Plant more marigolds, sunflowers, cosmos, zinnias, four o’clocks, nasturtiums, etc. – all of the annuals that usually burn out by late summer. This way, you’ll have a marvelous second flush of bloom and can cut armfuls for Labor Day!

The warm weather and longer days provide optimal conditions for plants to thrive and flourish. Whether you’re planting flowers to add color and vibrancy or growing your own vegetables for a bountiful harvest, this is the time to get your hands dirty and enjoy the rewards of your efforts. From watering and weeding to pruning and fertilizing, there are plenty of tasks to keep you busy during the summer.

Must Have Gear for Hunting
Thermacell Hunting
Elevate your hunting experience with essential gear every hunter needs for success, including optics for precision aiming, reliable knives for field dressing, and a Thermacell device for full mosquito protection during your trip. Equip yourself properly and enhance your chances of a successful hunt.
Hunting and fishing tactics from the pros at Field & Stream recommends the  Thermacell MR300. Now on sale for under $20 on Amazon!
June 27 is “Great American Campout” by The National Wildlife Foundation. This year is “Clean Earth Challenge” to go camping and be a part of a wide-scale effort to clean up the planet. This could be around your campsite or on the trail.
Keep Your Eyes to the Sky for the New Moon on 7/5
Thermacell Astronomy
Astronomy enthusiasts can look forward to several upcoming celestial events. Early risers can observe the stunning spectacle of Venus and Mars appearing in the eastern pre-dawn sky.

June 29: Planets align! Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn are visible with the naked eye in the early morning

July 5: New Moon. The Moon will be located on the same side of the Earth as the Sun and will not be visible in the night sky. This phase occurs at 22:59 UTC. This is the best time of the month to observe faint objects such as galaxies and star clusters because there is no moonlight to interfere.

Whether watching the night sky from a backyard or joining organized stargazing events, there are plenty of celestial wonders to behold. This is the perfect opportunity for stargazing and enjoying a peaceful evening outdoors.

Don’t forget a Thermacell device to ensure uninterrupted enjoyment of the stars!

Amp Up Your Summer Days with Outdoor Adventures
Thermacell Outdoors
June and July are the perfect months to enjoy outdoor games such as frisbee golf, volleyball, kickball, or cornhole (a classic). These activities keep everyone active, and help in creating lasting memories in the great outdoors.

3 Fun Outdoor Event Ideas!

Bring a Thermacell E55 device along to ensure you stay protected during your time outside.

1. Outdoor movies: Many towns and cities have free summer outdoor movies. Bring a blanket and get there early to claim your spot!

2. Create a backyard water park: Turn on the sprinklers, fill up some water balloons, toss in a kiddie pool and you’ve got the makings for your very own splash pad. Don’t forget the sunscreen.

3. Backyard camping: Where better to pitch your tent than in your own backyard? I went backyard camping as a kid, and it was a fun way to experience the thrill of sleeping outdoors. Plus, it’s a campsite you don’t have to pay for!

Stay Outside for Longer!

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