DNR To Host Lake Superior Fisheries Management Meeting Dec. 11



Contact: Brad Ray, DNR Lake Superior Fisheries Supervisor
[email protected] or 715-779-4036

DNR To Host Lake Superior Fisheries Management Meeting Dec. 11

BAYFIELD, Wis. – The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will hold an informational public meeting at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 11, 2024 to discuss recent evaluations of brown trout and splake stocking programs and future Lake Superior stocking plans.

The meeting will include a short presentation about Lake Superior stocking strategies, followed by an open forum for questions or comments related to stocking plans or any other Lake Superior fisheries topic.

Over the past decade, the DNR has applied a spring-scattered-yearling approach for its brown trout and splake stocking efforts. With this strategy, fish are raised to about 18 months at hatcheries, allowing them to attain larger sizes. After this period, fish are scattered around many popular nearshore fishing areas in Wisconsin’s waters of Lake Superior using the R/V Hack Noyes in the springtime when smaller prey items become most abundant. Recent evaluations have shown that the survival rates of these stocked fish have increased using this strategy.

“Currently, about two out of every three brown trout harvested in Lake Superior are produced from the DNR’s stocking program,” said Dray Carl, DNR Lake Superior Fisheries Biologist. “We’ve learned a lot from recent evaluations of our stocking strategy. Moving forward, we will use this information to continue enhancing the successful seeforellen brown trout fishery.”

Additionally, the DNR recently adopted statewide guidelines for the genetic management of fisheries, highlighting the need to maintain the genetic integrity of local populations.

“The splake stocking program has provided a unique fishery in the Chequamegon Bay area. However, based on our genetic guidelines and concerns for the integrity of the lake trout fishery, splake will no longer be a part of the Lake Superior stocking program after 2025,” said Brad Ray, DNR Lake Superior Team Supervisor. “However, Lake Superior continues to provide a unique and diverse opportunity to catch a wide variety of species for current and future generations.”

DNR Fisheries Management staff will also introduce a new proposed walleye regulation that will be a question during the Wisconsin Conservation Congress spring hearings.

“Since our last meeting in May, we have been compiling data and working with the Minnesota DNR to create a rule proposal that will create a consistent regulation for the St. Louis River and the Western Arm of Lake Superior. We will announce the proposed regulation at this meeting,” said Paul Piszczek, DNR Lake Superior Tributaries Fisheries Biologist.

More information on Lake Superior fisheries management can be found on the DNR’s fisheries website.


What: Public meeting on Lake Superior Fisheries Management Stocking Strategies

When: Wednesday, Dec. 11 at 6 p.m.

Where: David R. Obey Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center
29270 County Hwy G
Ashland, WI