Deer hunting enters prime time
GREEN BAY, Wis. (WBAY) – With a little snow in the forecast and cooler temperatures, it’s about to be prime time for Wisconsin’s archery and crossbow deer hunters.
Photo Source: Pixabay / MGN
The next three weeks are some of the most exciting times in the woods.
For the 200,000-plus bow hunters in the state, the week of Halloween is more like Christmas.
“Over the next 2 or 3 weeks, deer are going to be really active, which gets deer hunters’ hearts and minds and bodies really active as well,” says DNR Regional Wildlife Biologist Jeff Pritzl with a smile.
With the annual rut just starting, Pritzl says it’s a great time to be in the woods.
Whether you’re an avid bow hunter or upcoming gun hunter, time in the field right now could help spell success later on.
“The landscape is as wet as it’s ever been. It’s affecting crop harvests, red oaks are producing a lot of acorns this year, white oaks not so much, so getting out, either hunting and/or just getting a feel for where food sources are this year and where deer want to be. It’s going to be different this year,” says Pritzl.
Once in the stand, hunters will have plenty of opportunity to fill their freezer.
In many counties, County Deer Advisory Councils have increased the number of antlerless permits that come with your license.
“Some of them to where people might think it’s extreme where there’s 4 or 5, even 6 tags available per license in Shawano County — and those advisory councils don’t necessarily expect hunters are going to take 6 antlerless deer, a few of them might, but what the message really is is to get more hunters just to take one antlerless deer or one more than maybe the would’ve taken,” says Pritzl.
And finally, a word of caution to anyone behind the wheel.
“Over the next 3 weeks, maybe 4 weeks, more deer are going to get struck by automobiles unfortunately. We just know that, that’s the way it is this time of year so it’s absolutely the time to be most vigilant,” urges Pritzl.
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