Come celebrate Christmas at Camp Sinawa on Dec. 7th & 8th. Sinawa Festival on the 7th starts at 4 pm to 9 pm and on the 8th it sarts at 4 pm to 8 pm. Thi is usually their largest fundraiser of the year, so take the family out there for a good time.
They will have Chili, Baked Goods, like cookies and treats, popcorn, nachos and drinks for everyone, hot drinks, wagon rides through an enchanted forest, beautifully decorated cabins, luminaries, twinkling lights, Santa, roaring bonfires, carolers, musicians and plenty of hot dogs, burgers .
Cost is $5 per person, or $20.00 a carload. ( Pre-school children are FREE)
SO COME ON OUT AS THE TEMPS ARE TO BE NEAR THE 40’S and don’t blame me if it’s not, TV Channels 2, 5, 8, 11 all said it was to be higher temps this weekend. See all of you out there for an evening of fun and games.
Pigeon Lake new pier sponsored by Manitowoc County Fish & Game, Manitowoc County. Camp Sinawa is located on the lake.
Camp Sinawa address is: 9113 Sinawa Rd. Valders, WI 54245