
PANFISH CAN’T RESIST HOT NEW VMC TUNGSTEN FLY JIG COLORS Posted on January 15, 2019 by ICE FORCE Panfish can’t resist VMC® Tungsten Fly Jigs in three hot new color patterns available this season – Orange Chartreuse Glow, Metallic Red and Green Orange Glow.In-demand Minnesota guide Brad Hawthorne favors the new Orange Chartreuse Glow pattern when water clarity is low. It also provides more options for matching the hatch.“The Tungsten Fly Jig coming in orange this year is huge,” he says. “It’s the perfect orange for ice fishing – it matches the crayfish and it’s also going to work really, really good for stained waters.”A perfect imitator of natural flies and aquatic insects, the Tungsten Fly Jig delivers big results with a small profile. A 90-degree hook eye ensures optimal horizontal position of the jig, allowing ice anglers to convert more hits into solid hooksets and lose fewer fish at the hole.Fishing last season with a prototype of this year’s new Orange Chartreuse Glow Tungsten Fly Jigs yielded impressive bluegill action for Hawthorne. “I got on a bite last year where there were weeds and all the bluegills were eating these teeny little crayfish that were reddish orange,” he recalls. “They wouldn’t hit a spoon. I put on that prototype orange Tungsten Fly and we couldn’t keep them off!”In clear water, Hawthorne favors Tungsten Fly Jigs in the new Metallic Red color.“That thing just shimmers down there, it’s really surreal,” he says. “You put it a foot down in the water and you’re amazed at the way it looks. It’s just crazy. You fish that with one or two red larvae and you’ve got a trophy bluegill lure.”tungTungsten Fly Jigs come in three sizes, 1/64th, 1/32nd and 1/16th ounces. They’re available in six other color patterns as well: Glow, Glow Chartreuse, Glow Pink, Metallic Rainbow, Metallic Silver, and Metallic Gold. The Glow colors provide up to 15 minutes of continuous charge.See VMC® Tungsten Fly Jig