Are you willing to give up your Constitutional Rights fully?

It was 1776 when America gave Great Britain the finger and said “we’re out.”For two-and-and-half centuries we Americans have enjoyed unadulterated, in-your-face freedom. (Despite the left wing’s best efforts.)

And I think we can both agree that one thing has provided us with this freedom that we love and cherish.

Our God-given right to bear arms.

And if you’re anything like us, you like to help preserve this legacy by showing your support for the 2nd amendment.

The following is the editor’s own opinions and comments:

Those sentences above have been taken from an ad I recieved for a product and they make so much common sense I had to print them here.

Please stop and think where your Constitutional Rights are heading with the mentally ill person in the White House now. The guy walks like he has his pants full and most of the time he doesn’t know where he is. All he wants to do is destroy our Rights by Banning our 2nd Amendment Rights, so they (Democrats) can rule over the rest of us citizens like slaves. Look what is happening on the southern border and all the terrorist country people coming over the border now.

So with all that being said, please join a sportsmen club or national group of your choice that works to save your Constitutional Rights all the time. NRA, SAF, and a few more of the national groups you can join.

So in closing, these are only my opinions, no one else. Please remember to VOTE this fall and in November for the person who will protect your Constitutional Rights and believes in the Bill of Rights!  RVL