Apply Now For An Upriver Lakes Sturgeon Spearing Tag



Apply Now For An Upriver Lakes
Sturgeon Spearing Tag

Applications for a 2025 Upriver Lakes sturgeon spearing license are due Aug. 1. 

It might still be summer, but it’s time to start thinking about the 2025 sturgeon spearing season. If you’d like a chance to spear a sturgeon from one of the Upriver Lakes (lakes Poygan, Winneconne or Butte des Morts), be sure to submit your Upriver Lakes spearing tag application by Aug. 1.

After the deadline, 500 applicants will be selected through a drawing (with preference given to individuals with the most preference points) to receive an Upriver Lakes sturgeon spearing tag for the 2025 season. Anyone not selected will receive a preference point for a future drawing.

Spearers not chosen for an Upriver tag or those who want to harvest a sturgeon from Lake Winnebago have until Oct. 31, 2024, to purchase a license. Remember: if you are drawn for an Upriver Lakes tag, you cannot purchase a tag for Lake Winnebago.

Applications can be submitted online through Go Wild or at any license sales location. Good luck!


The Lowdown On Loons

Have you heard ghostly bird calls on a Wisconsin lake in summertime? It’s the loons!

The summer issue of Wisconsin Natural Resources magazine has the lowdown on loons, including what you can do to help this interesting species. You can even become a “Loon Ranger” to help monitor and maintain healthy loon habitats throughout Wisconsin.

Check out the magazine’s summer issue to learn more. Find the digital edition online or get the print issue delivered four times a year. Subscribe online or call 1-800-678-9472 to sign up or give a gift subscription today.



The History Of Paddle Boarding

Did you know that stand-up paddle boarding has likely existed for thousands of years? Hundreds of years ago, people in South America and Africa stood on small boats with long paddles to travel, fish or go to war, and Polynesians surfed waves while using paddles. It’s believed that the modern form of paddle boarding originated from Hawaiian surf instructors when they stood on their boards to get a better view of their students.

If you want to go paddle boarding but are missing the paddle board, you can rent one! Ten state properties around Wisconsin offer paddle board rentals. Find the full list on our website and call ahead to verify that they’re available.

When you’re out on your SUP (that’s short for stand-up paddle board), don’t forget your life jacket – it’s the law. Find more boating safety tips on our website.