Anti-Gunner Says NRA is Responsible for Capitol Occupation, Meanwhile Video of Alleged Antifa Members Surfaces
- EDITOR NOTE: I have been saying it won’t be long with Mentally ill people in Office to start blaming the Law Abiding Citizens and go after our 2nd Amendment Rights Full Force. To all of you who over the years claimed I was nuts, no one is going to take our guns, I would be happy to let them know your name to come for your guns first. Get my point! I warned everyone many many years ago that this day was coming. Now what are you sheep going to do???
It was only a matter of time before the NRA and law-abiding gun owners were blamed for yesterday’s shenanigans at the Capitol.
Leading the charge on this front, unsurprisingly, is longtime gun-control advocate Joshua Horwitz.
In a brief interview with The Trace, Horwitz, who is the executive director of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV), said the National Rifle Association has, over the years, “created this environment,” which he contends is characterized by an insurrectionist mentality.
“When [then National Rifle Association president] Charlton Heston said, ‘Out of my cold dead hands, Mr. Gore,’ to today, there is a direct line. It’s saying that violence is part of the political process.” Horwitz explained.
Horwitz believes that politicians need to publicly disavow individuals who continue to hold the idea that the Second Amendment affirms one’s individual right to keep and bear arms as a means to defend against tyranny.
“Large portions of the Republican party and the gun lobby have normalized the idea that threatening a violent overthrow of government is within normal bounds of political discourse,” said Horwitz in a Facebook post on Wednesday.
“President Trump’s insurrection will not succeed, but the ideology has fueled a deadly proliferation of guns in our country and the rise in domestic terrorism,” he continued. “Moving forward, all elected officials must unambiguously reject insurrectionism and commit to meaningful gun law reforms.”
SEE ALSO: Pro-2A Militias Are ‘Treasonous’
Horwitz didn’t explicate what he meant by “meaningful gun law reforms” on Facebook, but it’s not that hard to suss out after visiting the homepage.
Bans on so-called “assault weapons,” confiscatory red flag measures, criminalizing private sales and transfers, ending shall-issue concealed carry, repealing the PLCAA are all listed as part of the CSGV agenda.
“Either we will finally take this seriously and realize that there are no such things as private militias at the state level, there are only mobs,” Horwitz told The Trace, “or this gets worse, and if that happens, I shudder for our democracy.”
Speaking of mobs, at least one eye-witness at the demonstration claimed that a coordinate gang of non-Trump supporters initiated the storming of the Capitol.
Before Twitter suspended the account, the man who was apparently speaking to Alex Jones said that while his group was peacefully assembling another group of men with knee pads on suddenly ran toward the gates and started tearing them down.
Lending credence to the man’s testimony, The Washington Times is reporting that using facial recognition software the firm XRVision confirmed that at least two Philadelphia Antifa members were inside the Senate.
Then, there was this footage that was posted to BitChute (see below), which depicts men dressed in black attempting to break windows while a crowd of Trump supporters calls on them to stop.
Antifa? Hard to say with 100 percent certainty. But the claim that this pro-Trump rally was hijacked by far-Left radicals has caught the attention of at least one federal lawmaker.
Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), while speaking on the House floor Thursday, said, “some of the people who breached the Capitol today were not Trump supporters. They were masquerading as Trump supporters and in fact, were members of the violent terrorist group antifa.”
As with every crime scene, we ought to let the investigation play out before we cast blame on any one particular individual, group, or organization. Let the facts tell the story. If we all do this, Horwitz might be surprised to learn that the NRA’s five million members and the larger coalition of law-abiding gun owners in America had nothing to do with the carnage and property damage we witnessed on Wednesday at the Capitol.
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