Seeking To Understand (Part 2)
A March 2019 WWA newsletter article by Bruce Ross, Executive Director
I’m deepening my relationship with WWA…
Last month, my first report to you described my process for learning and leading the WWA organization; that is, first I need to understand the organization before offering approaches.
Several of you reached out to me to share your thoughts – thank you! I also reached out to our “customers” (you), volunteers (maybe you), current and former Directors, former Executive Directors, founding fathers, policy and restoration partners, our Wisconsin regulators, and even some marketplace “competitors” – over 75 engaged and knowledgeable persons in this first month.
So as I start my second month as your Executive Director, I can report that I’m better understanding who and what is our WWA. I have found that WWA:
- Has enthusiastic, creative members and volunteers;
- Is well-served by exceptionally hard-working Directors;
- Has a remarkable 35-year history of successful adaptation to Wisconsin waterfowlers’ changing needs;
- Has adequate – but fragile – finances for existing operations;
- Has earned strong respect for the quality of our wetland restorations…but the quantity of Wisconsin’s wetland needs exceed our current ability;
- Has strong pockets of innovation, that could be reproduced around the state;
- Enjoys an excellent reputation with our Policy partners (By the way, take the world’s shortest survey on the reduced purchasing power of our state waterfowl stamp here); and
- Can be of even greater relevance to Wisconsin’s waterfowlers in the future.
These observations are very preliminary – I welcome your additional views. Call me at 262-224-4949 or email me at [email protected].
Speaking of the future, read what the DNR’s Waterfowl Ecologist (Taylor Finger) and Research Biologist (Dr Drew Fowler) had to say on our state’s waterfowling future. Additionally, we are delighted to have Dr. K.C. Brooks of Lodi Veterinary Care on board to share his views on dog training & dog health in our new bi-monthly articles, Doctor’s Orders. Check out Dr. Brooks’ article on Spring Training, here.
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