Manitowoc County Sanctuary District One of Many in No-Wake Boating Coalition

Manitowoc County Sanctuary District One of Many in No-Wake Boating Coalition

Several groups comprise the Wakeboat Reform Coalition, including one from Manitowoc County.

The Town of Schleswig Sanitary District 1-Cedar Lake is one of sixty groups that want to focus on protecting Wisconsin’s lakes from the impact of wake-enhanced boating.

Wake is the waves created behind a boat and can cause damage to the area underneath the water if done too much.

The Wakeboat Reform Coalition says local governments and lake associations have also begun to address the damage done by wake-enhanced boating, with nearly three dozen towns passing prohibitions.

Conservation Activist Dr. Fred Prehn says, “We all understand the damage wake-enhanced activity is having on waterways. It’s time to realize that this activity causes lake bottom sediment to be disturbed, and the loss of fish habitat is not good for the economic engine that outdoor recreation brings to Wisconsin.”