Wisconsin’s 2024 bear hunting season is expected to run from September 6 to October 10,

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Wisconsin’s 2024 bear hunting season is expected to run from September 6 to October 10, with specific regulations depending on the hunter’s bear management zone. The DNR may issue 10% fewer licenses for the 2024 season, and the objectives for each zone are based on factors such as hunter satisfaction, agricultural damage, and bear health. 

The application deadline for a Class A bear license is December 10, and applications can be made online or at any license sales location. Hunters can also apply for a preference point only, which doesn’t put them in the drawing. 

Within the season, there may be date limitations that restrict or allow the use of dogs, bait, or other hunting methods. For example, in 2023, the season was divided into three periods: 

  • September 6–12: Only dogs were allowed 
  • September 13–October 3: Dogs, bait, and other legal methods were allowed 
  • October 4–10: Bait and other legal methods were allowed, but dogs were not 
Hunters should be aware of the management zone they are licensed to hunt in and review the specific regulations for that zone.