The Third Day of Christmas, Brought to You by Bloomberg and Beto-Backed Texas Lawmakers
The Third Day of Christmas, Brought to You by Bloomberg and Beto-Backed Texas Lawmakers
Next up: an end to LTC reciprocity
Imposter Santa Denies Toy Gun Request, Gets the Sack
Imposter Santa Denies Toy Gun Request, Gets the Sack
The classic tradition of the department store Santa became the latest platform for a joyless scold to pontificate against guns. Even worse, the unfortunate soul on the receiving end of the propaganda was a young child reduced to tears by the bizarre encounter.
Gov. Cuomo’s New Concern Over Government Registries
Gov. Cuomo’s New Concern Over Government Registries
NRA has long opposed any kind of database of law-abiding gun owners, or similar licensing schemes. We have cited many objections, including concerns over the potential for misuse of such information. After a recent demand that states supply the federal government with personal information of people who receive future COVID-19 vaccinations, many have started using the same arguments.
Bloomberg’s Everytown Encourages Biden to Pursue Unlawful Executive Gun Controls
Bloomberg’s Everytown Encourages Biden to Pursue Unlawful Executive Gun Controls
Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun organization Everytown for Gun Safety is pushing Joe Biden to enact a raft of gun control by executive fiat. As much as Everytown and their would-be autocrat benefactor might wish, the U.S. Presidency is not a dictatorship. The executive actions Everytown contemplates implicate the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding gun owners and are not moored in a credible reading of federal statute.