2024 Legislative Council Study Committee on Sandhill Cranes

2024 Legislative Council Study Committee on Sandhill Cranes

Legislative Council Staff

Ethan Lauer

Benjamin Kranner

Katie Patyk


Representative Tittl (Chair)

Senator Quinn (Vice-Chair)

Representative Considine

Rick Gehrke

Tamas Houlihan

Meleesa Johnson

Anne Lacy

David Mickelson

Todd Schaller

Benjamin Sedinger

Senator Spreitzer

Paul Wait

Travel Voucher

Open Meetings Law and Public Records Law Guidance for Public Members of Legislative Council Study Committees

Food Options on Capitol Square

Membership List


  • The study committee is directed to review and recommend options for legislation relating to the management of Wisconsin’s sandhill crane population. The committee shall examine population trends and determine whether any changes to state law would effectively address the incidence and consequences of crop damage caused by sandhill cranes in this state. As part of a comprehensive review of policy options, the committee may consider whether the Department of Natural Resources should seek federal approval to establish a hunting season for sandhill cranes. The committee shall recommend legislation to manage the population of sandhill cranes and address the agricultural impact of sandhill cranes.

August 1, 2024 10:00 a.m. Horicon Marsh Education and Visitor Center, Horicon Marsh State Wildlife Area, Horicon, WI [ Agenda | Minutes ]