Annual Membership Dues– checks to: Friends of the Branch River (FOBR),
P.O. Box 301 Whitelaw, WI 54247. Dues are tax deductible due to our 501(C)3 status! Let me know if you would like a letter reflecting your due/donation for tax purposes! Please share this information with any families or individuals interested in our events or joining a fascinating conservation group! We are always looking for volunteers to help at events or with behind the scenes stuff! Find us on Facebook or contact Emily Endter, FOBR Secretary with questions, comments, etc at [email protected] or (920)323-3486. If you have a child interested in getting involved in our youth program (12 years old for Summer camp), please let us know and we will get them started!
Annual Membership Dues:
- Friend $20 – $99 General Donation $_____________
- River Protector $100 Youth Fund Donation $__________
- Champion $500
- River Legacy $1000
Scholarship Supporters/General Sponsors:
- COPPER $50 – $100
- BRONZE $100- $499
- SILVER $500-$999
- GOLD $1000+
Sponsors/Scholarship supporters will get mentioned at event(s), in local publicity, via emails/newsletters to members, and also on Facebook.
Name/business: Address:__________________________________________________________
E-mail: ___________________________________________________________
Phone: ____________________________________________________________
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