Who out there always hate to ship a product into a company for repair and you must wait weeks to get it back? Had that problem back on June 11th and I called the customer service dept. at Streamlight. Own a Stylus Pro Reach light and after 2 years it worked one minute and the next it did not. When I spoke with the service dept. man, he asked a few questions and I explained everything to him. He told me to fill out their paperwork which is on the web site and send it in.
Received a brand one light on June 17th and I am so glad my son and I have been buying Streamlight products. The Pro Reach is great for checking the bore of guns and for being in a tight spot.
Do not forget, June is National Safety Month. So, check out their products on their web site. www.streamlight.com I also will be getting an item called Pocket Mate USB. It is an extraordinarily tiny light that will fill all your lighting needs.
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