Proposal for Universal Background Checks in Wis. 8-15-2019

19-3949_1 (2)


Tap onto the above pdf line and pull up the bill as written by Gov. Evers to disarm all citizens and prevent family members from passing their firearms down to other family members.  Question: Do you love your firearms and are you willing to allow Liberals and Democrats to tell you how to handle your firearms??  This propose bill is leading to total registration of firearms and ammo.  Just look at the  national level the amount of mis-information supplied to the public by the national media. Oh, can anyone please tell me if they ever was interviewed for a poll, stating you wanted universal background checks??  I have yet found anyone who was interviewed in the last 10 years. Please let me know if you were.  I’m guessing the facts the national media is using are all false.  They claim 85% of all gun owners want Universal Background Checks. Are you one of them?